Peter Rahr 1943-2021

Saying farewell during COVID level 2.5 (with a maximum of 100 people) was always going to be challenging, but a recent memorial service to honour Te Horo stalwart, Peter Rahr, proved it can be done successfully.

"Together with Reverend Simon Falconer, we brought St Margaret's Church to the Te Horo Hall," said Anne Keeble, Peter's partner. "Jenny Gordon from Te Horo Women's Group and Sharon Hurst, Te Horo Hall Society, pulled their groups together, catering for the afternoon's refreshments, and Sue Mansell provided armloads of beautiful floral arrangements. Thank you all, my parish family and the many others in our community."

Peter Rahr was a long-time supportive member of the Te Horo community, working tirelessly to incorporate structural upgrades to the local hall, including the installation of disabled toilets and ramps. For Peter his community was everything. It was fitting to have his memorial service in the hall he worked so hard to improve.