Paul McCombie 1959-2020

Paul died very suddenly on 24th December 2020, while he was out running. He was brought up in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, an area famous for its engineers, and on leaving school joined the Royal Navy who sent him to Cambridge to study Engineering. He resigned from the Navy whilst at Fitzwilliam College and went on to read for a Masters in Geotechnical Engineering at Imperial College, London. He later worked for Brian Colquohoun and Partners and Netlon Ltd (now Tensar International) before being awarded a Lectureship at the University of Bath in 1989. He remained at Bath until his retirement in 2019, and was always an enthusiastic advocate of the joint teaching of architecture and engineering. He is fondly remembered by generations of students. After retirement he continued to develop geotechnical engineering software for Tensar, and this is used all over the world. He was a keen bellringer and photographer, and leaves a wife, Heather, and four grown up children.